
Dr. Shields Featured on Channel 4

Wednesday, July 8 your favorite dentist, Dr. Shields will be featured on Channel 4 News at 12:30 pm, so set your DVR. You won’t want to miss it!

Our patients know that Dr. Shields treats the mouth as the window to your health. She will be exploring the world of Wellness Dentistry, what it means, and how it can affect you. Make sure you set your DVR or recording device and tune into our segment on Channel 4! Watch us share with the world what you already know as a patient; that Dr. Shields’ unique approach to dentistry does the body good!

We look forward to hearing responses from the public as well as our patients, so please comment and share!

…Stay tuned… We will post a link after the broadcast if you were unable to view it or if you would like to share!


Contact us

Smiles by Shields
3940 San Jose Park Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32217