Could Red Wine Be the New Mouthwash?
Because oral health is so complex, research investigating ways to best achieve optimal oral health is ongoing. As your Jacksonville, Florida dentist Dr. Tiffany Shields enjoys sharing useful information with her patients in regards for properly caring for their teeth. While the benefits of red wine for the heart have been widely accepted, the benefits red wine can have on teeth are newly discovered.
When oral bacteria adhere to the surface of teeth they form a biofilm, which causes acidic levels to rise and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Because of this researchers are constantly looking for ways to naturally combat the presence of bacteria within the mouth. Researchers recently published a new study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, claiming that red wine in moderation is highly effective at combatting the existence of biofilms.
Dr. Tiffany Shields looks forward to helping you keep your smile naturally healthy.Call your Jacksonville dentist today to book an appointment.